The first 42 holders of a FAWKFACE will receive a FAWKSHROOM.

A modified mushroom was created by scientists at the FAWKLABS and hidden away upon the FAWKFACES inter-demensional vessel. 42 FAWKFACES will “find” these FAWKSHROOMS. Upon consumption they will experience a separation from their physical body and be remade into a TRIPPYVARIANT, representing their astral body in the TRIPPYREALM. These FAWKFACES will be able to exist in both their physical and astral states. Their astral travels may lead them to find some things it will be harder for the rest of the FAWKFACES to obtain as easily.


Holders of original FAWKFACES, who receive a FAWKSHROOM, can feed it to their FAWKFACE (burn their FAWKSHROOM).

(if sender owns multiple FAWKFACES one will be selected). Once the FAWKSHROOM is eaten it can never be used again.

Within 1-2 weeks of the FAWKSHROOM being burned, the holder will receive a TRIPPYVARIANT FACE of one of their FAWKFACES.
The above example will also be the first official TRIPPYVARIANT conversion. This FAWKFACE is held by the artist and a FAWKSHROOM will be burned to create the variant.
Variants will have additional traits that will entitle them to future rewards and perks for future collections.
After the recipients of the FAWKSHROOMS receive their SHROOM they can choose to hold it or sell it if they do not want a TRIPPYVARIANT, but each SHROOM can only make 1 VARIANT.